Walking or Hiking the Dingle Way and The Kerry Way

Walking or Hiking the Dingle Way and The Kerry Way – Some advice Hiking the Dingle Way or the Kerry Way on a self-guided walking holiday is a great way to explore wild Ireland.  Hiking the Dingle Way / Kerry Way is also a great investment for you and your wellness. Time spent walking either […]

The Dingle Peninsula, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Language

Kevin O'Shea at An Diseart in Dingle

Much of the Dingle Peninsula is a Gaeltacht meaning it is a place where the Irish language, Gaeilge, is still spoken daily. Gaeilge, considered a Celtic language, is one of the oldest spoken languages in Europe with the oldest vernacular literature too. We don’t know how old it is but it’s old. It was spoken […]

Archaeology of the Dingle Way

Ballintearman Standing Stone, Dingle Way

The Dingle Way winds along for 110 miles around the Dingle Peninsula. Across mountainside, through valleys, along beaches and bothareens the Dingle Way casually passes  many ancient archeological sites. Ring forts and Standing Stones, Rock art and ogham inscription all bear witness to the long and varied history of these lands. Megalithic burial sites from […]

Winter Walking – Guided walks on the Wild Atlantic Way, Dingle Style.

The Beauty of a Winter Walk. Samhain is approaching signaling the end of the old and beginning of the new year in the Celtic Calendar. The days are shorter now and a little colder and so we enter a different time of the year. Does this bring an end to our opportunities to hike and […]

Séamus Heaneys’ words of wisdom

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left”][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]This poster was sent to every secondary school in Ireland last September 2015 and features Poet Laureate Séamus Heaneys’ words of wisdom extoling the virtue of speaking the Irish language. It reads as follows: “Not to Learn Irish is to miss the opportunity of understanding what […]

Guided walks on the Dingle Peninsula

Walking & Talking – a great way to experience the Dingle Peninsula If you are planning a visit to the Dingle Peninsula this summer, or indeed if you are already here, we would like to interest you in the idea of a guided walk here on the Dingle Peninsula. We, at Celtic Nature, believe that […]

A Walk Through History – Dingle Way Walking Tour

Dingle Way Walking Tour – a walk through history As we rounded the corner on a small country road, we saw an elderly Irish farmer headed toward us on his way to check his flock of sheep. He looked us up an down and quickly surmised that we were a couple of walkers, out to […]